Can You Believe My Laptop Was Delivered in the Fridge?

Hello everyone! Yes, you read that right. My laptop ended up in the fridge. I didn’t find it until 5 hours after it was delivered. Should I be worried about its functionality or has it possibly been compromised? Thanks in advance!

Just to clarify, is your fridge outdoors, or did they deliver an entire fridge with your laptop inside?

Noel said:
Just to clarify, is your fridge outdoors, or did they deliver an entire fridge with your laptop inside?

There’s a delivery center at my apartment with a fridge unit where drivers can place perishables. That’s where they put my laptop, by mistake I assume.

That’s an unusual mix-up! I’d suggest keeping the laptop off and letting it warm up gradually. There might be some risk of damage.

This sounds like an odd situation, but here’s what you can do:

  • Check if it was in a cardboard box and wrapped in plastic, as these materials can help protect against moisture.
  • When you first removed the laptop, did it feel damp or show any signs of condensation? If yes, wipe it down gently and let it dry out completely before powering it on. Avoid using rice; just let it air dry naturally.

It should be okay, but to be safe, allow it to come to room temperature naturally. Avoid using rice; it’s not effective for this kind of moisture.

It should be alright, these things are built tough!

This is hilarious! :joy::joy::joy:

Real or not, this story just made my day! Thanks for the laugh.