This laptop has a Dual Core processor which will not support Windows 11 natively. With Windows 10 nearing end of life in October, these processors will soon be obsolete. Consider something with at least an Eighth Generation Intel, like a T480 which can be found for around the same price or cheaper.
Maybe Linux could be an option here.
Linux isn’t as user-friendly as Windows and might not be the best choice for everyone, especially if it’s just for browsing.
I’d recommend waiting for a better deal. A laptop with a quad core processor and 16 GB of RAM would be more future-proof and perform better in the long run.
The Dual Core CPU is quite outdated. I would look for something more recent.
It’s adequate for basic browsing, just avoid opening too many tabs or running intensive applications.
Rayne said:
It’s adequate for basic browsing, just avoid opening too many tabs or running intensive applications.
I use an older i5 4300u for gaming. It’s not a Celeron; you can actually do quite a bit with these older CPUs.
Sure, but remember it has only 8GB of RAM.
Rayne said:
Sure, but remember it has only 8GB of RAM.
Even with 8GB, I run multiple applications including Chrome with several tabs, stream music, and manage work without hitting full RAM usage. It generally stays between 60-70%.
Exactly, you don’t need the latest hardware just to browse or watch YouTube. I game on a 7th gen i7 with 16 GB of RAM. Here’s a meme about overkill hardware. Cheers to budget-friendly setups!
This isn’t a good deal. It’s too old, especially for $180, and won’t support Windows 11. Windows 10 will soon stop receiving updates which could cause security and compatibility issues in the future. For just a bit more, you can get something much newer and compatible with Windows 11.
I agree. Opt for a newer 4 core 8 thread CPU from 2021 or later. It will perform better and likely have longer battery life due to more efficient power usage. I have a Ryzen 3500u; it’s great for general use though battery life is around 5-6 hours.
Look for at least an 8th gen Intel CPU that supports Windows 11. Don’t settle for less.
Does she plan to game at all?
For simple web browsing, a Chromebook might be a better and more cost-effective choice.
The CPU is dated, but for basic tasks like browsing, it should be fine if it has an SSD. Still, $180 seems a bit high for what you’re getting.
It might be slow for browsing. I’d pass unless you plan to install Linux, which I wouldn’t recommend for someone not tech-savvy.
I would have sold you a similar laptop for $60 less. You might want to look into refurbished ThinkPads with slightly newer processors.
For general web browsing, it should be fine. I’ve upgraded an old Ideapad with a first gen i3 with an SSD and 8GB RAM, and it handles browsing well. Does this laptop have an SSD?